Lost S04E05 – The Constant

1 03 2008

The best episode of Lost since the last time I wrote that. Seriously, that was easily the best treatment on time travel since Back to the Future, maybe even better because it doesn’t involve paradoxes (I think). Since an interview in the Summer when Matthew Fox was quoted saying that this was the season people would find out “not just where they are, but when they are“, I’ve been waiting for the explanation, but I had no idea it would be told so eloquently. Listen to Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse on this weeks official Lost podcast clear up any questions you may have on their interpretation on time travel.

My only question is, does that explain the flashbacks? And if so, are they all going to die of cerebral aneurisms over the next 36 episodes???

The other thing they clear up in the podcast is that because of the strike there will be only five new episodes this season, in addition to the eight already produced before the strike began. These five hours will condense what was originally a plan for eight episodes, but those three missing hours will be added onto season five for a total of nineteen episodes in 2009, followed by a final sixteen in 2010. So plenty to look forward to then… Click on to see two sneak peeks from next weeks Juliet-centric episode, the other woman. About time we found out about her past/present/future.

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Another Lost Season 4 Trailer

15 01 2008

In preparation for the Fourth Season of Lost, I’ve been doing a lot of anticipating and a little bit of reading up. Ain’t It Cool has an interview with Matthew Fox about Season 4 and he came out with this gem:

When asked if season four will deal with time travel, Fox says yes. “What is this island? Where is this island? When is this island?” are the questions Fox says the audience is dying to know.

This quote, combined with the new Dharma orientation video that I’ve embedded after the jump, is…I don’t know, mildly interesting. Very Sci-fi, the thought that the rabbit could be from the future..
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