Video of the Week – Simon Cowell v Homer

28 04 2007

Again, I’ve chosen something that has been much talked about this week. Idol gives Back was a charity event that aired this week on Fox, and there was a great sketch with Simon auditioning for the Simpson family, singing Don’ Cha by The Pussycat Dolls. For those in the UK about Bart’s joke at the end, he is referring to “something” Dunkelman, who was Ryan Seacrests Idol co-host until he quit searching for bigger and better things. And he is so huge now I can’t even remember his first name. Watchy watchy, clicky clicky after the jump.

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European iTunes news

28 04 2007


Two little things about TV shows and movies on the iTunes store in the UK. Firstly, the company that own the company I work for (huge conglomerate that some people like, a lot of people hate) have been asked to make TV shows ready for the UK store. I know how vague that sounds, but it’s better than nothing right?

And secondably (!), Apple’s vice-President for Europe, Pascal Cagni, has confirmed that movies will be available on European iTunes stores by the end of the year. I originally wrote that it would happen by the Spring, but… what are you gonna do? There is a month of spring left anyway. Or “Printemps”, to Mr Cagni.

30 Rock S01E21 – Hiatus

27 04 2007

Well I watched it this morning just like I said I would, and I have to say it was a little disappointing. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but I will say I don’t think they made the best use of 22 minutes of story time. The ep felt very rushed, and there was no flow to it, even from the opening seconds. the opening scene is normally just that, a scene. But I felt that in this ep there were four or five sketches cobbled together. As a result of the rushed nature of the episode, I don’t think any of the storylines were tied up adequately. Don’t get me wrong, there were enough jokes in it to make me chuckle, but as a season finale it was a bit lacklustre. If this is the exit of Alec Baldwin, it could have been a whole lot better. The ep also made me realise just how different the show has become towards the end of the year. The gawky looking guy had his first lines in weeks, and we kind of saw the writers room for a few seconds, when at one point that was the focal point of the show.  These are all minor gripes, and I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed season one of this wonderful comedy. If you missed it, it’s worth buying on DVD when it comes out, which will be in the next few months I’m sure.

Falling behind..

27 04 2007

I have had a busy week, and as a result I have only watched one, nay two programs. One was great, one was decidedly average. My point is that if I don’t update, it’s not because I have abandoned this blog (It’s just that Facebook is taking over my life).

I will most definitely be watching the 30 Rock finale tomorrow morning at my desk though, nothing can keep me from finding out the fate of Liz Lemon and Jack Donaghy.  It is a shame if the rumours that Alec Baldwin wants off the show are true. He makes it happen time and again. Watch the build-up clip after the jumpski.

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Break a Leg

25 04 2007

I placed all four parts of this pilot in the vodpod, and it hasn’t really got the sort of response I was looking for. Its a new sitcom from “the acclaimed viewers of Arrested Development and the Office” and it’s about a young writer trying to pen a sitcom. “How ironic” I hear you cry. Yea, sort of. I watched the fist ep, it was pretty good. A bit too quick with the callback references, but it’s free and its better than a kick in the crotch. Check out their Myspace for more info and the second episode.

Heroes S01E19 – 0.7%

25 04 2007

The days of me reviewing/recapping/whatevering this program objectively are long gone. I just sit there waiting for the magic to happen. I love the ideas, they seem to have had a clear vision from day one that they are sticking with, and is all becoming clear now. I may have mentioned this before, but I can draw comparison from the most ludicrous soap opera of all Sunset Beach, the way that almost every scene ends on a cliffhanger, and comes back at the exact moment they left. Love it.

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What I’m Watching Now…

24 04 2007

Heroes – (S01E19) Heroes returns after a break for the final five episodes of the season. I couldn’t find the 1gb Matroska file, so I’ll have to make do with the 700mb divx copy. Boooo. I’m also supposed to watch it with some other people when they get home, but I’m gonna be selfish at watch it now, so I can go out later and have fun, and also goad them about how good it is. See, I told you I’m a nice guy! see what in store for our favourite heroes (and villains) after the jump. Read the rest of this entry »

What I’m Watching Tonight…

23 04 2007

The Sopranos (S06E15) – Ok, some no name was killed and Johnny Sac died of Cancer. Who is next? Only 7 eps remain!!

Life on Mars (S02E08) – I was watching the football (Man U 7-Roma 1) when the finale was on, and I haven’t found an hour to watch it since, but I have managed to avoid anyone talking about it, and any blogs with reviews of the episode… so tonight could be the night I find out what happened to Sam Tyler.

Ruddy Hell! It’s Harry and Paul (S01E03) – Awful, awful title. But they used to make me laugh when I was young, so i’ll give it a go.

Middle Classes – Their Rise and Sprawl – Documentary on BBC4 on how the middle class became the majority in the UK. How can I squeeze in four programs in one evening I hear you cry??? By staying up til 1am and ignoring the people around me. thats dedication… or isolation. followed by depression. and loathing.

TV Turnoff Week..

23 04 2007

.. starts today. Now I don’t watch much TV traditionally, as in sitting in front of an idiot box waiting to be entertained, but does it matter if I’m watching quality programming on a mac? No no, I think it’s the same, they probably want me to turn that off too. This organisation aims to get people away from TV, which they blame for rising obesity and some other stuff. HIV maybe, I forget. and I don’t want to scaremonger. I can’t right a better response to them than that provided by the Guardian today, an extract of which you can read after the jump.

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The Simpsons S18E17 – Marge Gamer

23 04 2007

Remember that South Park episode 5 years ago called “Simpsons Already Did it”, where they rehashed a couple of Simpsons plots to prove that there is no point worrying about plaigarism in animation, because The Simpsons have done everything, and even borrowed plots themselves? No? Well I do.

Earlier last year (or maybe late last year, I forget) South Park wrote an episode about online RPG World of Warcraft, and its immersive effect on society and more accurately, the four main characters.

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Entourage S03E15 – Manic Monday

23 04 2007

This episode saw Jeremy Piven at his best after a couple of impoverished weeks by his standards. There was a great monologue in the therapists office to add to his list of killer speeches, and a scene of him crying to a slideshow of “Vince and Ari” pics. Hilarious. By the end, when he has come out of his mini-crisis and fired an employee, he is at the top of his game, with the crazy body language we know and love.

We also got to see Carla Gugino flex her muscles as Vince’s new agent, demanding an answer from Vince and Eric on a script. As I predicted a few weeks ago, the sexual tension between Amanda and Vince grew to a point where they decided to sleep together, complete with a will they/won’t they cliffhanger ending. If this was Lost, we wouldn’t find out if he sticks it to her until season four. And then it would turn out they were brother and sister. Bleeeurgh.

Video of the Week – Messi v Maradona

21 04 2007

If you are a fan of football you have probably seen it already by now, but I am here to give you a new slightly new perspective on this amazing goal/but/gol/golazo.

I always said that Maradona’s goal would never be scored again, because of the way the rules of football have changed. Not many players are looking to create highlights and memories any more, it’s more important to pretend the keeper brought you down, get him sent off and score from the spot. Double whammy. Players are too inclined to pass than take players on nowadays, especially because the best players in the world often play together in the same teams, so there is no need to beat a whole team as Maradona did to score his goal against England.

Step Forward Leo Messi. Beautiful control, fantastic turn of pace, and presence of mind to go round the keeper, an art that is dying out. Ignores the cries of Eto’o to pass it. Goal. Watch it here. But the video I have for you is a side-by-side comparison with Maradona’s goal, and it is scary how similar it is. Sure the stage was bigger, but the intent is exactly the same. This boy is destined for great things.

And before anyone says “Oh, but it was only Getafe!” I can tell you now that 90% of professional footballers would struggle to beat 5 stationary *cones* in the way Leo Messi did on Wednesday. Watch the clip after the jump.

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What I’m watching tonight…

20 04 2007

Peep Show – Last week was funny, but I want the boys back in the flat, I want to laugh at Mark’s boss, I want to see Jez lusting after Big Suze, and all done very awkwardly. I’m amazed the format hasn’t been bought by 20th Century fox yet.

Scrubs – This season has been largely ignored by critics and fans alike, but it has produced some gems. However I think the flashbacks and dream sequences are becoming more “Family Guy-esque” though, which isn’t always a good thing.