Previously, on “Me and the TV”

3 07 2007

“Where is he?”

“I don’t know… but I hope he comes back!”

“Look, there he is!!”

And now, Me and the TV continues…..

Thats right, I’m back from the land of the rising sun. You can check out my Flickr here, I should have all the Japan pics up by sometime next week.

Since I came back I’ve watched a little TV, tried a little superfast catch up. I watched the first ep of Flight of the Conchords, and I was left underwhelmed. Because the girl from Peep Show was in it (Rachael Blanchard?), I could only draw unvfavourable comparisons with that superior comedy, however much “Flight” had some original ideas… and funny accents.

I’ve been following John from Cincinnati (about to watch one now actually), and it’s still a bit weird. Al from Married with Children can resurrect creatures from the dead? And whats with the crazy landlord guy? This may be a first, but I cannot give you a definitive on whether this program is good or stupid, but I can’t imagine being compelled to tune in again if I led a hectic life and was pushed for time.

Now let me talk about Studio 60 for 20 words or less. I watched the series finale last night, what a crock of sh*t! I am embarrassed that I recommended this show to everyone I know, it turned into some touchy-feely moral war drama in the last 4 episodes, with blatant swipes at conservatives everywhere, even resorting to name calling with President Bush. Awful turn of events, just awful. It actually led my fiancee to swear out loud, and she may be the most polite human being in W9.

Finally, I am clawing my way through summer Fox comedy, The Loop. This comedy has very little humour in it, other than a character who mostly appears in the lift as an obnoxious fast talking airline exec. Whoever is writing this guys lines deserves a raise. and a promotion off this doomed show. anyway, thats my catch up.

To find out what I was really doing in Japan the past 9 days, watch the video after the jump. Yes, that may look like Kanye West, and those may well look like scenes from Akira, but I assure you that is me and all that stuff actually happened. Enjoy..

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19 06 2007

I’m off to Japan for a little over a week, so you lot can entertain yourselves. I would advise you to watch the season premiere of Entourage (S04E01)and try and catch John From Cincinnati, which is really out there. I think I like it, give me one more week. Other than that, if anyone sees any 07-08 pilots leaked on “teh internets” while I’m away, be sure to post the links in the comments below. Thats right, do my work for me.

Posting Frequency…

5 06 2007

You may have noticed (who wouldn’t) that the frequency of my posts has dropped dramatically over the last couple of weeks, well the reason is two-fold. First of all, I’ve been moving house and my access to computers has been limited the last week, both at work and at home. That is all set to change any day now when I splurge on a macbook.. maybe. I’ll wait to see what Steve Jobs has to say on Thursday.

The other reason is that the US TV season is over, and i am taking a bit of a break from constant TV watching. At the moment there are only 3 shows on my schedule.

The last Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (S01E18) I watched was absolutely fantastic, and I won’t let anyone tell me otherwise. It is a real shame it couldn’t find an audience. Or the audience found it, compared it unfavourably to West Wing and changed channel. The scene where Tom Jetter finds out his brother is being held hostage in Iraq was quite moving. If you are in the UK and have avoided the download, it starts on E4 June 30th.

This weeks episode of Entourage (S03E20) was less of a finale and more of a new beginning for the boys. I’ve been bitching for weeks about the lack of actual movie-making in season 3, but it seems as if everything is finally coming together. Although i’m pretty sure Sloane is about to kick Eric to the curb. In a strange move for HBO, they are starting Season 4 the Sunday after next, so not long to find out if I am right.

As we head towards the final episode of The Sopranos, it is starting to dawn on me how big a loss this show will be to HBO, and my personal viewing habits. The show has become the drama I compare not just TV shows, but gangster movies to and hold up as an example that cinematic quality can be brought to the living room. What will happen to Tony Soprano? If it is anything like the death of Bobby Baccala in this weeks episode (S06E20), it will be ruthless. Watch it after the jump. Viewer discretion is something something…

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Entourage S03E18 – The Resurrection

14 05 2007

I should hate Entourage. You know those shows that aren’t funny enough to be called comedies, and aren’t dramatic enough to be called dramas? It falls into that category, and I don’t usually have time for those programs, because it’s usually half an hour/1 hour of some stuff that happens that doesn’t change anybodys life. And I have that in my real life, so why would I tune in for more of the same? Because I don’t have someone like Johnny Drama making me breakfast.

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Entourage S03E15 – Manic Monday

23 04 2007

This episode saw Jeremy Piven at his best after a couple of impoverished weeks by his standards. There was a great monologue in the therapists office to add to his list of killer speeches, and a scene of him crying to a slideshow of “Vince and Ari” pics. Hilarious. By the end, when he has come out of his mini-crisis and fired an employee, he is at the top of his game, with the crazy body language we know and love.

We also got to see Carla Gugino flex her muscles as Vince’s new agent, demanding an answer from Vince and Eric on a script. As I predicted a few weeks ago, the sexual tension between Amanda and Vince grew to a point where they decided to sleep together, complete with a will they/won’t they cliffhanger ending. If this was Lost, we wouldn’t find out if he sticks it to her until season four. And then it would turn out they were brother and sister. Bleeeurgh.

Entourage S03E14 – Dog Day Afternoon

17 04 2007

After a great return to the third season last week, this episode focused on two of the male relationships on the show, Ari and Lloyd, and Eric and Vince. Lloyd has been a superb character from his first scene, and every time he and Ari are on screen together the chemistry is great. Ari was chasing a new client, a gay writer who he thought would be more open to suggestion if Lloyd went along for the negotiation.

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What I’m watching tonight…

16 04 2007

Entourage (S03E14) – After last week’s return with Victoria’s Secret models, I wonder if the boys are going to get back to the business of shooting movies?

Sopranos (S06E14) – Every episode from his point onwards will be edge of the seat stuff. Who will survive? Hopefully Meadow.

Harry Hill’s TV Burp – I keep missing it even though it’s on about 4 times a week. I will look for it one of those loser ITV channels tonight, hopefully they will come through for me. Don’t they have any sort of Video-on Demand type doo-dah? baaah, who would watch it even if they did!

Entourage S03E13 – Less than 30

9 04 2007

I’ve always resented Entourage being called a comedy. Not only because it conflicts with some shows that I think are truly funny at awards time, but because I have never really cracked up at the program to be honest. It’s always been 28ish minutes of relaxing watching, nobody gets killed, nobody is from the future, nobody is trapped in a soppy love triangle. It has straddled genres comfortably for two and a half seasons.. until this episode. It was damn funny.

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Autumn (Fall) is upon us

17 09 2006

Well, the summer is over! Broadband pipes in the UK, Australia and the rest of the English speaking world are about to heat up because the new US TV season is almost upon us! I was watching Entourage and Weeds and it just kind of snuck up behind me!
To start with, I’m going to tell you a great way to download TV is the itunes music store. They have been serving up TV for almost a year now, but as I wrote in a post below, they have upped the resolution in anticipation of the new season, and it is now better quality than standard definition TV. Anyway, onto the actual programming.

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No Beer and No TV make Homer something something…

4 07 2006

There is nothing to watch at the moment, but I bring you news of TV to look out for in 2007.

Well the dust has settled at the LA screenings and almost every TV show screened has been bought by broadcasters in the UK. These are the shows that I will give a go (providing they aren’t cancelled with in the first few months), and the UK channels that have purchased them, if you prefer to watch your TV when you’re told to. 😉

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